
Cardiac tamponade in Ilesa, Nigeria

John Akintunde Okeniyi


Background: There is a dearth of information on cardiac tamponade in children in Nigeria.
Objective: To review the frequency, aetiology and outcome of cardiac tamponade in children in Ilesa, Nigeria.
Design: A descriptive retrospective hospital-based study.
Setting: The children’s emergency room (CHER), Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa.
Subjects: All post-neonatal aged children with diagnosis of cardiac tamponade over a seven year period (2001 – 2007).
Results: Of the 8,813 CHER admissions, cardiac tamponade was diagnosed in only 16 (0.2%) children (11 boys and 5 girls). The leading aetiologies were Staphylococcus aureus pericarditis (6 cases), blunt chest injury (4 cases) and tuberculosis pericarditis (3 cases). The mean (SD) was 5.6 (3.1) years. Recurrence was observed in 3/12 (25.0%) of the non-traumatic cases. The mortality was 10/ 16 (62.5%) with 100% case fatality recorded following trauma and 66.7% and 50.0% following tuberculous and staphylococcal pericarditis respectively.
Conclusion: The incidence of cardiac tamponade in children in Ilesa, Nigeria seems low but the mortality is unacceptably high. Prompt diagnosis and improved interventional facilities are required.

Author's affiliations

John Akintunde Okeniyi, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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Haemopericardium; Pericarditis; Staphylococcus aureus; Tuberculosis

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South African Journal of Child Health 2008;2(4):162.

Article History

Date submitted: 2008-07-17
Date published: 2009-02-02

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